No message.で申請されたかた、動画投稿をしていないかたからの友達申請は見送らせていただいています。
こちらの好みや登録要件は[show more]をチェックしてください。
Thank you for your application.
We will not accept friend requests from people who have applied with "No message" or who have not posted videos.
And we're sorry, but friend requests from people who haven't posted for a long time, people who don't post frequently, or people who don't have videos we like will be removed from the friend list after a certain period of time after approval.
Check [show more] for registration requirements.
Thank you.
The same applies no matter how many times you apply. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please apply again after posting the video.
I've only been here for 5 months, so I'm a beginner, but I've already made over 100 friends (who share private videos with each other). The trick is to start by uploading (posting) a video of your choice. It doesn't have to be short, so choose what you like.
This is a shady site, but there are rewards.
Thank you for your application.
However, there is no video posted and the application is No message.
It's out of the question. Applying with No message is very rude.
最近の投稿頻度(月10以上×数か月)・人気度(+)・メッセージ(No message.不可)・投稿ジャンル(趣味嗜好)等、総合的に判断させて頂きます。