The same applies no matter how many times you apply. Please apply again after posting.
We are here (TM) in a community space, but we understand that friendships are about showing each other videos.
I will not refuse anyone who contributes.
I think you can enjoy it for free, but if you post and make more friends, you'll have a different kind of fun.
I accept as friends only those who upload videos of interest to me on a regular basis, I will immediately reject if you do not have a single video or the video has not been uploaded for 1 month/興味のある動画を定期的にアップロードしてくれる人だけを友達として受け入れます。動画を 1 つも持っていない場合、または動画が 1 か月間アップロードされていない場合は、すぐに拒否します。
The same applies no matter how many times you apply. Please apply again after posting.
We are here (TM) in a community space, but we understand that friendships are about showing each other videos.
I will not refuse anyone who contributes.
I think you can enjoy it for free, but if you post and make more friends, you'll have a different kind of fun.