People have watched naonao126 videos: 238547 times
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About me: 何らかの要素で良いなと思ったシリーズを片っ端から集め、連載することに凝っております。たまに激レアもあります。毎日欠かさず1~2個の動画アップが基本です。アップできない日は他の日に埋め合わせます。なお、色々とあったので動画は全てプライベートです。友人のご申請は全てお受けしておりますが、エロとはいえTMにはSNSの要素がありますので、対等な関係(ギブ&テイクという意味ではない)を築きたく、以下の「オフにする」に該当する場合、やむなく直ちに友人解除させていただいております。
Recently, I’m receiving many requests for addition to friends.
Please read “Show More” of my profiles before request.
(I’m sorry. “Show More” is written only in Japanese. If you are not Japanese speaker, please use a translator.)
I’ll disapprove of the request which corresponds to “Turn offs”.
In addition, I can check all people that a request was declined in the past by me.
是非、私のプロフィールの「Show More」をお読みください。
Dear members,
Recently, I’m receiving many requests for addition to friends.
Please read “Show More” of my profiles before request.
(I’m sorry. “Show More” is written only in Japanese. If you are not Japanese speaker, please use a translator.)
I’ll disapprove of the request which corresponds to “Turn offs”.
In addition, I can check all people that a request was declined in the past by me.
Sincerely yours, naonao126