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Showing 1 to 2 of 2 comments.
CNNinc92 - 533 days ago
大変申し訳ありませんが、動画を投稿されていない方及びNo messageの方からの友達申請は見送らせていただいております
Thank you for your request
Sorry but I would not accept the friend requests with “No message” nor from guys who haven’t uploaded their own movies
Even though I accepted the requests, guys who haven’t been uploading new movies for a long time or who have been uploading only not what I like would be removed from my friend list after a certain period
CNNinc92 - 639 days ago
大変申し訳ありませんが、動画を投稿されていない方及びNo messageの方からの友達申請は見送らせていただいております
Thank you for your request
Sorry but I would not accept the friend requests with “No message” nor from guys who haven’t uploaded their own movies
Even though I accepted the requests, guys who haven’t been uploading new movies for a long time or who have been uploading only not what I like would be removed from my friend list after a certain period