About me: LEOPARD303のサブアカウントです
This is a sub-account of LEOPARD303
Here for: ご訪問頂き誠にありがとうございます
Thank you very much for visiting us.
I would like to post some videos to help organize my HDD.
Here we will mainly upload IV images.
Turn ons: 友達申請は受け付けておりますのでお気軽に申請してください
We accept friend requests, so please feel free to apply.
Turn offs: 友達申請についての注意事項
No messageでの申請や動画投稿のない方、長期活動されてない方、著しく評価の悪い方は基本承認致しかねます(気分で承認する事もございますがw)のでご希望に添えないこともあるかと思います
Notes on friend requests
We generally cannot approve applications with no message, those who have not posted videos, those who have not been active for a long time, and those with extremely poor evaluations (we may approve depending on our mood, lol), so we may not be able to meet your requests. think
It may also take some time for approval.
Please understand the above before sending a friend request.