People have watched Assassin1973 videos: 325393 times
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About me: 主要上传cosplay的资源,期望加我好友的起码都要上传分享过资源,希望大家是互相分享资源而不是当白嫖党
The main upload cosplay resources, expect to add my friends at least to upload shared resources, hope that we are sharing resources with each other rather than when the white whoring party
I mainly post cosplay resources. I hope that friends who add me as friends must at least have uploaded resources. I hope everyone will share resources with each other instead of free sex.
友達申請について:動画投稿のない方やしばらく更新されていない方は現在、申請をお断りしております。 また動画をお持ちでも好みが異なる場合や「No message」の方もお断りさせて頂きます。 宜しくお願いします。
Regarding friend requests: We are currently refusing requests to those who have not posted or who have not updated for a while. We will also decline your request if you have a video but have different tastes or if you say "No message".
大変申し訳ありませんが、動画を投稿されていない方及びNo messageの方からの友達申請は見送らせていただいております
Sorry but I would not accept the friend requests with “No message” nor from guys who haven’t uploaded their own movies
大変申し訳ありませんが、動画を投稿されていない方及びNo messageの方からの友達申請は見送らせていただいております
Sorry but I would not accept the friend requests with “No message” nor from guys who haven’t uploaded their own movies
I would appreciate it if you could read my profile.
Regarding friend requests: We are currently refusing requests to those who have not posted or who have not updated for a while. We will also decline your request if you have a video but have different tastes or if you say "No message".