Thank you for your friend request.
We are very sorry, but as stated in the profile, we do not accept applications from people who have not posted videos.
Thank you for your understanding.
No message.の申請、動画投稿が無いかた、長期間投稿が無いかた、こちらの好みの動画を持っていないかたからの申請は見送らせていただいています。
こちらの好みや登録要件は[show more]をチェックしてください。
Thank you for your application.
We will not accept applications from people who say No message, who have not posted a video, who have not posted for a long time, or who do not have a video that we like.
Please check [show more] for preferences and registration requirements.
Regarding friend requests: We are currently refusing requests to those who have not posted or who have not updated for a while. We will also decline your request if you have a video but have different tastes or if you say "No message".
折角の申請を頂きましたが、プロファイル(Show More)に記述しています通り