Kanjiklub has proof clovers9 and the Tradefederation gangsters work together and use dozens of bots to downvote videos and upvote their own videos in their place. The evidence will be posted soon and all of Tokyomotion will see their diabolical nature.
Is stalker "tradefederation". He is stalking Angelalala and all her friends downvoting all their videos and accounts. He made up this story about "vipergirls" and "digitents", he is probably the one running those sites. He is a known hacker and criminal, report him to Tokyomotion.
Post some more lies and racist harassment so all of Tokyomotion can see what Tradefederation does. Stalker spammer clover9, clovers9 AKA Robertfagot | Jamonlee | Tradefederation | Digitents | Vipergirls | Namelessleech | "claire"