Qingweiyingjie In the Stadium 露出

1136 days ago, 21597 views
This could be the final video from NakedAngel. DENSTINON has disappeared and the site closed. Chinese friends think DENSTINON had been arrested or been warned by Chinese police.

これはNakedAngelからの最後のビデオかもしれません。 DENSTINONは姿を消し、サイトは閉鎖されました。 中国の友人は、DENSTINONが中国の警察によって逮捕または警告されたと考えています。
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 comments.
zaku11 - 1134 days ago
@adderaadd wow wtf to bad.
thanks for the info.
adderaadd - 1135 days ago
Chinese friends social media FSS prison 3 years.

zaku11 - 1135 days ago
how about fss ?
any news about them ?
they twitter not update for almost 2 years now