wxcwwq's Wall
Showing 11 to 20 of 21 comments.
Hatotyon - 349 days ago
折角の申請を頂きましたが、当方プロファイル(Show More)に記述しています通り
Weather_Report - 349 days ago
友達申請について:動画投稿のない方やしばらく更新されていない方は現在、申請をお断りしております。 また動画をお持ちでも好みが異なる場合や「No message」の方もお断りさせて頂きます。 宜しくお願いします。

Regarding friend requests: We are currently refusing requests to those who have not posted or who have not updated for a while.  We will also decline your request if you have a video but have different tastes or if you say "No message".
HATOCHONshike - 358 days ago

purepureoneone - 385 days ago
No message.で申請されたかた、動画投稿をしていないかたからの友達申請は見送らせていただいています。
こちらの好みや登録要件は[show more]をチェックしてください。
Thank you for your application.
We will not accept friend requests from people who have applied with "No message" or who have not posted videos.
And we're sorry, but friend requests from people who haven't posted for a long time, people who don't post frequently, or people who don't have videos we like will be removed from the friend list after a certain period of time after approval.
Check [show more] for registration requirements.
Thank you.
purepureoneone - 434 days ago
No message.で申請されたかた、動画投稿をしていないかたからの友達申請は見送らせていただいています。
こちらの好みや登録要件は[show more]をチェックしてください。
Thank you for your application.
We will not accept friend requests from people who have applied with "No message" or who have not posted videos.
And we're sorry, but friend requests from people who haven't posted for a long time, people who don't post frequently, or people who don't have videos we like will be removed from the friend list after a certain period of time after approval.
Check [show more] for registration requirements.
Thank you.
Jose_z - 436 days ago
purepureoneone - 446 days ago
No message.で申請されたかた、動画投稿をしていないかたからの友達申請は見送らせていただいています。
こちらの好みや登録要件は[show more]をチェックしてください。
Thank you for your application.
We will not accept friend requests from people who have applied with "No message" or who have not posted videos.
And we're sorry, but friend requests from people who haven't posted for a long time, people who don't post frequently, or people who don't have videos we like will be removed from the friend list after a certain period of time after approval.
Check [show more] for registration requirements.
Thank you.
purepureoneone - 460 days ago
No message.で申請されたかた、動画投稿をしていないかたからの友達申請は見送らせていただいています。
こちらの好みや登録要件は[show more]をチェックしてください。
Thank you for your application.
We will not accept friend requests from people who have applied with "No message" or who have not posted videos.
And we're sorry, but friend requests from people who haven't posted for a long time, people who don't post frequently, or people who don't have videos we like will be removed from the friend list after a certain period of time after approval.
Check [show more] for registration requirements.
Thank you.
Fktm744 - 472 days ago
No Message、動画投稿無しの方は承認不可としています。ごめんなさい
Jose_z - 473 days ago