About me: 此帳號為暫存影片用,私人影片為本人購買,請支付費用16.52USD即可觀賞,我會提供paypal的付款信件,確認後會加你為好友。
This account is used for temporary storage of videos. Private videos are purchased by me. Please pay the fee of 16.52USD to watch them. I will provide a payment letter from paypal. After confirmation, I will add you as a friend.
This account is used for temporary storage of videos. Private videos are purchased by me. Please pay the fee of 16.52USD to watch them. I will provide a payment letter from paypal. After confirmation, I will add you as a friend.
This account is used for temporary storage of videos. Private videos are purchased by me. Please pay the fee of 16.52USD to watch them. I will provide a payment letter from paypal. After confirmation, I will add you as a friend.
This account is used for temporary storage of videos. Private videos are purchased by me. Please pay the fee of 16.52USD to watch them. I will provide a payment letter from paypal. After confirmation, I will add you as a friend.