Illegal uploaders are notified. You have failed to follow our repeated advice and have been uploading illegally. We have notified the administrator of this site and the advertiser of this site. We have requested that your entire account be frozen.
If you do not delete the following URL, we will continue to report you.
Illegal uploaders are notified. You have failed to follow our repeated advice and have been uploading illegally. We have notified the administrator of this site and the advertiser of this site. We have requested that your entire account be frozen.
If you do not delete the following URL, we will continue to report you.
Illegal uploaders are notified. You have failed to follow our repeated advice and have been uploading illegally. We have notified the administrator of this site and the advertiser of this site. We have requested that your entire account be frozen.
If you do not delete the following URL, we will continue to report you.
We have reported this user to the site administrator and the server management company as an illegal uploader.
unauthorized copying
Please delete the illegal downloadable link
We're also leaking personal information.
It's an illegal uploader.
Please delete the contents link, image, video, uploader, all of them all.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described
above as allegedly infringing are not authorized by the copyright owner,
its agent, or the law. The information in this notification will be
accurate, and I swear, under penalty of perjury, that with respect to those
notifications, I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an
exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
I will not tolerate your copyright infringement.
I will report all illegal activities thoroughly.
Server hosting companies.
Domain administrators.
Banner advertisers.
Cloudflare, Inc. etc.
Report copyright infringement to all.