Turn ons: ◇友達申請について◇ギブアンドテイクの関係を望んででいます◇◇ About friend application ◇◇ I want a give and take relationship ◇◇
Turn offs: ◇動画公開すると嫌がらせする方がいるので全て非公開にします◇◇No messageでの申請の方◇
申し訳ございません◇◇評価の低い動画は削除します◇◇If you release a video, there are people who harass you, so I'll keep it all private.◇◇Applying with No message◇
Those who do not post videos ◇ Those who have a gap from the previous post ◇
Not approved ◇◇
I'm sorry ◇◇ Videos with low ratings will be deleted ◇◇