cappy's Wall
Showing 51 to 60 of 480 comments.
anonymousanon - 1919 days ago
He is the posterboy for mental health issues.
RobertFagot - 1919 days ago
More flags, No problems.
That japanese guy is destroying him lmao
cappy - 1919 days ago
The count is now 23...
cappy - 1919 days ago
Lol DTCFDM. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later.
anonymousanon - 1920 days ago
I got the tp
MentionAnon - 1921 days ago
Someone let me know when the best time to upload is because holy fuck is it slow right now.
cappy - 1921 days ago
I knew it, I told you so etc etc. They're mostly women masquerading as men. Rejoice zero, we were right.
HajimeNoPoon - 1922 days ago
It is slow for me too. took a long time to long in. I will not bother posting today.
anonymousanon - 1922 days ago
Why is it so slow?
Namelessleech - 1925 days ago
I think the site is bugged or something. I can see her now but her other page still shows up as an error.