cappy's Wall
Showing 411 to 420 of 480 comments.
KYSMoogles - 2109 days ago
Fuck the pagans
cappy - 2110 days ago
FYI: 2hrs+. FFS. I'm putting it on /br3nda.
nervzero - 2110 days ago
Of course lol, I put them on ig immediately.
cappy - 2110 days ago
It does that automatically when I'm afk. Oh yeah, hope you got a pic or something.
nervzero - 2110 days ago
You were on DND I didn't want to be an asshole, still haven't seen HL or BG though.
The Lewd God is Jaekyung
cappy - 2110 days ago
No need for apologies
WoIfman1 - 2110 days ago
Lol I'm sorry man.
cappy - 2110 days ago
You're my boy and I mean you no disrespect but there's no pagans over here. Those holidays are bs.

@nervzero Should've hmu in br3nda and who is "the lewd god" again?
WoIfman1 - 2110 days ago
Merry Christmas guys.
nervzero - 2111 days ago
Check your messages, I got em. Oh and I met The Lewd God irl. HAF in person.