cappy's Wall
Showing 401 to 410 of 480 comments.
cappy - 2096 days ago
Lol I tried to tell you man.
KYSMoogles - 2096 days ago
Checked out ND and they run that site like it's a mobile game or some shit. Charge for avatar changes and other bs. To top it all off I can't even post. RIP
cappy - 2096 days ago
1. No and no. It's not even necessary to do so anymore and we're all connected.

2. Sent you a link. you have to ask him.
cappy - 2098 days ago
I didn't mean to be an asshole that message just read like something the yellowfever stalker would say. Feel free to send it.
cappy - 2098 days ago
lol I have my sts setup to grab it automatically, I don't miss anything unless I want to but sure.
cappy - 2109 days ago
FYI: This time I'm serious I'm not even going to bother posting it here.

@RanDumbGuy That's way to vague of a description, there's like 30 of em.
KYSMoogles - 2109 days ago
I thought the edit king was that guy who recs his screen and leaves his username and cc info in the video.
cappy - 2109 days ago
TradeFederation - 2109 days ago
My man took a 2 hour video and chopped it down to 3 minutes. *slow clap*
Achievement Unlocked: Edit King
cappy - 2109 days ago