About me: <友達のリクエストの前に / before friends request> <アバターの設定 / set AVATAR > <投稿10本以上 x 各々10分以上/ over 10 clips and over few minutes each > をお願いします。---------------------------------------------------------------- I may not accept the friends request with no Avatar and no Video clips.
Here for: ---------- Hello hot guys, Many thanks to Mr/Ms someone tagging to video clips kindly.
-- I can read Japanese with web translate, but sorry not to mention title in Japanese.
-- For newly searching, I am happy to find the name of actress or the title of clips.
-- But sorry, sometimes I had to set it hiding as private or delete after uploading, by warning notice or various problems occurred.
-- Some clips are hidden as "private" due to a grown-up situation.
-- Please make the follow settings. before sending a friend request [1: set Avatar] [2: Post some movies of your favorite]
--------- and click "Add to friends" with a small message, like ハーイ. ......then let's have fun and be happy with shearing.
Please !! before sending me a request for friendship,
1; アバター; Set up your AVATAR
2; ビデオ; Post some of your clips
Then click "Add to Friends" with short message as はーい.
no Avatar, no Movie, no Message, sorry I may not accept.
I'm sorry to inform that some clips had disposed.