《Here's my Show More》
We have established clear criteria for granting or rejecting friend requests.
(1) You have uploaded more than a certain amount of videos.
(2) Like under your profile (self-declaration system)
(3) Those who write that convey their passion for watching my videos
If you have cleared two of them, we will approve you as a valued friend.
Conversely, 1. Those who have not uploaded the video 2.If you have not uploaded the video, it will be treated as out of the question.
However, even if you have not uploaded a video, there is a possibility that (2) and (3) will be satisfied.
Please note that if you do not approve it, we will remove it from your friend after you approve it.
Even if you approve, if you don't say thank you, we may dissolve your friendship.
We look forward to receiving your application again.
Thank you for your friend request. I'm afraid I'm not interested in your videos and therefore can't accept it. I apologize if this does not meet your expectations.
Recently, there was some harassing behavior regarding a short preview video, so we will refuse to accept you as a friend.
Thank you for your understanding.
I have approved.
Thank you.