Esta noche, el ladrón Jamano Lee Roberto Fagot viene aquí diciendo que tiene algo pero que no tiene nada. Acusa a los demás de lo que hace él mismo. Él es un puto gilipollas. Mira esto, ¿ves qué nombre está grabado en el palpitante pecho de mi perra que cubre su sagrado pezón de un millón de dólares? EL STEAMB0Y! ¿Estás ciego o puedes ver? ¡Ven a verme en el chat, cobarde!
Oh what a surprise. The Fagot comes crawling back begging for attention again. Everybody knows you don't have shit. You even copied my account and upvote yourself you pathetic obsessed stalker.
What makes you think I don't have any new Angela content? I haven't been posting it here because I don't want you and your br3nda circle jerk volafag butt buddies to steal it like you stole all the other vids and then post it on your fake Angelalala page.
I laugh at this idiot and the text he puts on his vids. ROFLMAO He tries to sell Angelalala's worthless videos, I will always give away all vids I can get for free, because love is free! FUCK HOARDERS!
Look at the obsessed loser stalking my account. He made like 50 accounts by now at least. And he thinks I don't know it's him. He even made a fake account of me and uploaded my old videos to it. What you think about this sick guy? He's got a mental issue.
Why you spend so much time on this account loser? What you think you are going to accomplish? LOL You not gonna get any new content loser!